Testing LaTeX in blog

Inline Equation Test

I should be able to type an equation inline in markdown like this \(\hat{H}\), that’s the Hamiltonian

Full Equation Test

A full equation should be like this: $$ \hat{H}\psi = E\psi $$ That’s the time-independent Schrodinger Equation.

Hello World!

dbyll is minimalist, stylish theme for jekyll. Supports gravatar, account links (github, twitter, e-mail, pinterest, résume file) and a bio.

dbyll is brought to you by dbtek. Open sourced under MIT license.

dbyll is on GitHub

Grab your copy now!


In your config file change these settings

title: dbyll
  name: yourname  
  email: youremail  
  github: asd123  
  twitter: asd123  
  pinterest: asd123  
  linkedin: asd123  
  resume: asd123  
  bio: Your stylish,  minimalist theme!  
  email_md5: md5ofemail  


Sample placeholder post.

Sample 2

Sample placeholder post.